The UGS Assessment Team partners with the Signature Course Program Office to implement a comprehensive assessment plan for Signature Courses. As a faculty member, your participation in assessment is critical to our efforts to understand the successes of the Signature Course and the areas in which we can improve. We will contact you prior to and during the semester about the various assessment projects.
Mid-Semester Student Survey
All Signature Course students will receive a mid-semester course survey. The survey will be sent directly to students, via email, from UGS Assessment. We ask students to identify their instructors so we can send you your individualized feedback, including student comments. The goal is to provide concrete information from students on their class experience so far. We will notify you when the survey is deployed and ask for your assistance in encouraging students to complete it.
Writing Assessment
Toward the end of the semester, we will contact all instructors to request student writing assignment samples. The purpose of the writing assessment is to view the big picture of student skills, not to evaluate individual students or instructors. All assessment results will be reported in the aggregate and stripped of identifying information.
Course Instructor Survey (CIS)
We utilize a version of the CIS that is designed to assess the six Signature Course goals. The Program Office will contact you early in the semester to obtain your format preference (paper or electronic). If you have questions about the CIS, call the First Year Experience Office at 512-471-4421.
End-of-Semester Faculty Survey
This brief survey solicits your thoughts on your Signature Course students, the teaching experience, and program administration. You will receive the survey via email at the end of the semester.
GRS 097 TA Observation
The Faculty Innovation Center (FIC) assists UGS in training UGS 303 TAs. As part of its support for Signature Course TAs, GRS 097 AIs observe each TA enrolled in the GRS 097 once a semester and provide feedback on their teaching in a follow-up meeting. If you have questions or concerns about these visits, please contact Molly Hatcher.