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Summer Research Scholars Events

Below, you’ll find a list of Summer Research Scholars events and workshops for summer 2024.

Welcome and Ice Cream Social

Tuesday, June 4, 3-4 p.m., Texas Union Patio (across from Flawn Academic Center)

Summer Research Scholars are invited to meet each other and enjoy frozen treats during this informal welcome-to-campus event!

Grad School 101

Thursday, June 13, 3-4 p.m., FAC 21 (lower level of the building)

A representative from the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin will discuss the process of applying to — and seeking funding for — graduate programs. Presented by the Graduate School.

Establishing Yourself as a Researcher

Thursday, June 20, 3-4 p.m., FAC 21 (lower level of the building)

When it comes to career planning for the long term as a researcher, it’s important to have a coherent profile—a common thread running throughout your work, and an online presence establishing your expertise on your topic. We’ll discuss ways you can fine-tune your ideas into an agenda you can pursue in graduate school, online venues for establishing your footprint as an up-and-coming researcher (e.g., digital repositories, blogs, Twitter, Academia.edu, Researchgate, Google Scholar) and more general advice for taking ownership of your expertise.

Applying for Research Funding

Thursday, June 27, 3-4 p.m., FAC 21 (lower level of the building)

Many sources of research funding require a detailed proposal and budget. Find out more about the application process, as well as general tips for applying to other sources of funding.

Board Game Night

Tuesday, July 2, 4-6 p.m., William C. Powers (WCP) (at tabling near the coffee shop)

Summer Research Scholars can socialize and we’ll provide board games and food!

Attending an Academic Conference

Thursday, July 11, 3-4 p.m., FAC 21 (lower level of the building)

This workshop helps students strategically approach attending an academic conference. We’ll orient students to how conferences are set up; how to get the most out of the sessions they attend; how to network with peers and with established scholars; and how to prepare for their own presentation without losing sight of the other benefits of attending a conference.

Poster Design Workshop

Thursday, July 18, 3-4 p.m., FAC 21 (lower level of the building)

Research posters are a key method of communicating research in the sciences, so we invite you to learn about creating and presenting research posters at our poster design workshop. We’ll discuss the organization and goals of poster sessions; design principles that will help you present key information on a poster in a visually appealing way; and strategies for discussing your work with poster session attendees.

Academic Publishing for Student Researchers

Thursday, July 25, 3-4 p.m., FAC 21 (lower level of the building)

Before you become involved in writing up research findings for publication, get an overview of how academic publishing works. We’ll discuss the options that student researchers can consider for submitting their work for publication, and we’ll orient you to the submission and revision process.

Summer Research Scholars 2024 Poster Session

Wednesday, July 31, 1-2:30 p.m., Perry-Castañeda Library UFCU Room (ground floor)

Students will present posters of their research and share their discoveries with their colleagues, mentors, and other members of the campus community.