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Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) provides up to $1,000 in support for specific scholarly research projects conducted by full-time UT undergraduate students enrolled in any department. These fellowships are intended to cover costs associated with academic research projects proposed and written by student applicants and undertaken with the supervision of a university tenured, tenure-track, or professional-track faculty member or full-time research staff. Some restrictions apply.

Learn more about the URF:

Click here to download a proposal template. Refer to our guidance about applying for research funding.

Once you have submitted your documents, your faculty supervisor will be forwarded an email to submit their recommendation letter and approval of the proposal. If you do not know your faculty member’s EID and email, you can find them through the directory.


URF Info Sessions

Find out more about the URF application process, as well as general tips for applying to other sources of funding, at our funding info sessions. Info sessions typically take place on Zoom in the weeks before the URF deadline; to find out more and receive the Zoom information, please register in advance.