Sanger Learning Center’s resources can help you achieve your academic goals.
Get Help with Course Content
Make an appointment to meet one-on-one with a tutor for an hour-long session. Together, you and your tutor will tackle difficult homework problems and review course concepts.
Visit drop-in tutoring for mathematics, physics, and chemistry courses. It’s a great way to study alone or in groups and is especially good for completing homework assignments.
Attend free classes for calculus refreshers and exam reviews.
See all of your options. Log into PEARL (Personalized Academic Resource Locator) with your EID to see your current class schedule and a list of all the academic support services available.
Improve Your Study Skills
Visit us in JES A332 to speak with a learning specialist about your study-related questions and concerns. Meet weekly with a peer academic coach to develop and implement study strategies to help you succeed at UT Austin. Attend monthly workshops on study strategies and time management.
Get Help with Public Speaking Assignments
Schedule an appointment with one of our trained student speech consultants on your next public speaking assignment. Consultants are trained to assist you as you prepare your materials. You can also rehearse your speech, presentation, interview, or class discussion and receive helpful feedback.
Attend Course-specific Study Groups
Supplemental Instruction offers optional weekly discussion sections for students enrolled in historically difficult, large-format courses.
Request a Workshop
Interactive workshops are available to help students succeed in their courses, and are facilitated by our trained student Outreach and Communication Specialists.
Register for Accommodations
Some students require additional support during tests. Learn what types of accommodations are available through Disability and Access.